Hurungwe Tour

Revolutionizing Rehabilitation through Sustainable Agriculture

In a landmark visit to Hurungwe Prison Farm in Mashonaland West Province, the Commissioner General of the Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Service (ZPCS), Moses Cyril Ngawaite Chihobvu, was deeply impressed by the remarkable strides being made in horticulture production and the positive impact on inmate rehabilitation – an effort that has been bolstered by the support of the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, His Excellency Cde Dr Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa.

During his recent keynote address at the 153rd Recruit Correctional Officers Course Passout Parade, the President promised to support the ZPCS in a number of areas, including food production. Recognizing the importance of self-sufficiency and contributing to the country’s food security, the President pledged to support the ZPCS in its endeavors.

Hurungwe Prison Farm which is situated in Mashonaland West Province under Officer Commanding Commissioner Luke Zondai Makuvire, has become a beacon of hope, demonstrating the transformative power of engaging inmates in sustainable agriculture. With an astounding 1.2 million onions, 58,000 cabbages, and a thriving 10-hectare green maize crop, the farm is not only poised to contribute to the country’s food security but also revolutionizing the approach to inmate rehabilitation.

“The challenge we sometimes face is the reintegration of offenders into respective communities,” remarked Commissioner General Chihobvu. “If we equip inmates with life skills such as those acquired through agriculture, this can go a long way in facilitating their reintegration into society.”

The Commissioner General’s visit underscored the ZPCS’s commitment to redefining its culture, placing a renewed emphasis on corrections and entrepreneurship. He was particularly impressed by the commercial aspect of Hurungwe Prison Farm, recognizing the potential for the generated revenue to be reinvested in providing essential resources for the inmates.

“If we sell our horticulture products, we can use the money generated to buy necessities like maize for the inmates,” the Commissioner General explained, highlighting the sustainable and self-sufficient model being implemented.

Moreover, the Commissioner General challenged Hurungwe Prison Farm to further expand its efforts by taking tree planting seriously, recognizing the importance of environmental conservation and the role it plays in holistic rehabilitation.

“The competition for production among provinces should continue if we are to reach where we want as far as agriculture is concerned,” the Commissioner General said, underscoring the ZPCS’s vision to establish an agricultural hub that can serve as a blueprint for transformation across the country.

Hurungwe Prison Farm’s remarkable achievements, have not only caught the attention of the highest levels of ZPCS leadership but have also inspired a renewed sense of purpose and optimism within the correctional service. As the ZPCS continues to redefine its culture, this innovative approach to rehabilitation through sustainable agriculture is poised to become a shining example of how prisons can foster meaningful change and contribute to the nation’s well-being.

The event was also attended by DCG Social Ndanga, Senior Officers and other government officials.

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