To try and complement the non-custodial options, the Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Service after seriously considering the idea of introducing some form of Open Prison System, which will seek to move prisoners from the closed prisons, has established one Open Prison at Connemara.  This Open Prison is exclusively for male prisoners.  Plans are underway for the establishment of a Female Open Prison.

In the Open Prison System, the emphasis is on rehabilitation, counseling and re-integration.

Prisoners who benefit from the Open Prison System are selected by a well-constituted Selection Board and enjoy additional privileges, which are not enjoyed by those at closed prisons such as:

  • Free movement
  • Late lock-up
  • Television viewing
  • Access to telephone
  • Less supervision during work and they are also allowed to visit their families if they apply and authority granted.
  • Opportunity to attend lessons at colleges within the vicinity of the open prison