
Our Sections

The Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Service has three main sections falling under its ambit.

General Duties

Comprises staff other than the Specialist and Technical staff, whose  mandate is to provide security services/requirements, superintends and administrates prisons and correctional institutions.

Specialist Section

Includes qualified teachers; Ministers of Religion that is Pastors functioning as Prisons and Correctional service Chaplains; as well as professional health staff such as medical doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, laboratory technicians and environmental health technicians among other health personnel.

Technical Section

Is composed of artisans from the Workshops and Construction Directorates that include motor mechanics, carpenters, welders, upholsterers, builders and others. This section also includes qualified agronomists and other specialist in the field of Agriculture who are responsible for the department’s agricultural production as well as training inmates in the same.